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Honor Societies
Contact the head of your academic department for more information on the following societies.
Alpha Alpha Alpha recognizes the academic accomplishments of first-generation college students. To qualify for Tri Alpha, inductees must have earned at least a bachelor’s degree, must be the first in their family to complete a bachelor’s degree, and must be serving in higher education at the time of induction.
Alpha Eta is the National Scholastic Honor Society for the health professions. The purpose of the honor society is the promotion and recognition of significant scholarship, leadership and contributions to the Health Professions.
Alpha Kappa Delta is an International Sociology Honor Society, founded in 1920, to promote scholarship and fellowship for students. Invitations to join are based on class standing and the student’s achievement of a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, both overall and within the sociology major.
Alpha Lambda Delta is the honor society for first-year academic success. If a first-year student has a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, then they will be invited to the GMercyU chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta. The GMercyU chapter is designed to recognize first-year academic success while upholding the values of service.
Alpha Phi Sigma is the International Honor Society for graduate and undergraduate students in the field of criminal justice. Founded in 1942, this society recognizes students for academic excellence and community service. Students with at least a 3.2 GPA overall and within the major may be invited to join Gwynedd Mercy University’s Kappa Delta Chapter.
Alpha Sigma Lambda is the National Honor Society for returning adult students. Its purpose is to recognize and reward the hard work, motivation, academic success, personal growth, and leadership qualities of its inductees. It is housed in the Office of Academic Affairs.
Kappa Delta Pi is an International Honor Society in education. It is the oldest and largest honor society in education. Invitations to join are based on academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career and a professional attitude that assures the member’s steady growth in the field of education.
Kappa Gamma Pi is the National Honor Society of Catholic Colleges. The purpose of this organization is to identify potential Catholic leaders who will maintain high personal standards of Christian excellence and scholarship.
Lambda Beta is the National Honor Society for the profession of Respiratory Care. This honor is conferred by the program faculty to students who exemplify superior academic achievement and exceptional professional growth and leadership.
Lambda Iota Tau is an International Honor Society for students of literature. Its purpose is to reward and encourage excellence in literary scholarship in colleges and universities. To be eligible, a student must major or minor in a department offering literature and all courses prerequisite thereto, and rank scholastically in the upper 35 percent of his or her class.
Lambda Nu is a National Honor Society for the Radiologic and Imaging Sciences. Its objectives are to foster academic scholarship at the highest academic levels, promote research and investigation in the radiologic and imaging sciences and recognize exemplary scholarship. Students who have a GPA of 3.5 overall or higher and at least a 3.0 in their major are nominated by the faculty for induction into the society.
Phi Alpha Theta is the International History Honor Society. GMercyU’s chapter, Tau Omicron, was installed on October 29, 1972. To recognize and encourage excellence in the study of history, the society honors students who have earned B or better in all history courses and maintained at least a 3.0 (B) grade point average.
Phi Theta Epsilon is a specialized honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni. Its mission is to promote research and scholarship among occupational therapy students. PTE recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students enrolled in accredited educational programs across the United States.
Psi Chi is the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Psychology majors or minors with a minimum 3.0 grade point average may be invited to join.
Sigma Phi Sigma is the National Mercy Honor Society. This society is dedicated to the ideals of Catherine McCauley: fidelity, scholarship, and service. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors with a minimum 3.2 grade point average, evidence of upholding the mission and values of the University, a clear commitment of service to the University and their community may apply.
Iota Kappa Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau is an International Honor Society of Nursing, Inc. The purposes of this international honor society are to recognize and foster in nurses superior achievement, the development of leadership qualities, high professional standards, creative work, and commitment to the ideals of the nursing profession.
Sigma Zeta is a National Science and Mathematics Honor Society. Beta Delta is the Gwynedd Mercy University local chapter. The purpose of this society is two-fold: 1) to encourage and foster the attainment of knowledge of the sciences and mathematics; 2) to recognize the attainment of high scholarship among those qualified for membership in this society.
Sigma Beta Delta is the international honor society for business, management and administration. The purposes of Sigma Beta Delta are to encourage and recognize scholarship and achievement among students of business, management and administration, and to encourage and promote personal and professional improvement and a life distinguished by honorable service to humankind.